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DBT (Dialectical Behaviour Therapy) Skills Group

What is DBT?


DBT Skills Group is designed to help us develop emotional wisdom, learn to effectively deal with self-defeating behaviours and emotional distress, and help build relationship skills.


As with all the work we do at Brook RED, people do not need a diagnosis to access our group. They only need to recognise that they struggle with their mental wellness and be willing to work on it.

A DBT-informed group requires a high level of commitment and eagerness by those who wish to attend. We encourage people to join who believe they are ready to learn and practice skills and are also willing to share their experiences of change within the group. Please note, this is not a full DBT course but we do still require a commitment of full attendance from participants.


Next DBT Group Start Date 

Beenleigh: Saturday 18th May, 10am – 1pm, recurring for 13 weeks

Mount Gravatt: Wednesday 15th May, 1 - 4pm, recurring for 13 weeks

Please note: Prior sign up is essential. 

Referral Process

We encourage self-referrals.  Please contact our DBT coordinator, Sarah, by email


An intake conversation will be arranged with potential participants. This conversation will usually take around 1hr and happens in the weeks leading up to the next start date. Potential participants are asked about their goals, availability, reasons for wanting to join DBT Skills group, and commitment.    DBT facilitators are able to share more information about the group in this conversation.

We consider rolling intake conversations if spaces become available throughout the duration of the round based on the waitlist order. 



DBT Skills Group has a high demand and therefore there is a waitlist for upcoming groups.  Please contact our DBT coordinator via email


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